
Guided Installation

EPLAN Platform 2024

Example EPLAN license package - Electric P8
Example EPLAN license package - Pro Panel

Define new packages

  1. Open the License Manager via the desktop icon.
  2. Select the Packages tab.
  3. Next to the Defined Packages box, click [New]. The New Package dialog opens.
  4. Enter the package name that will be available to users later.
  5. Select the Variable package check box if you want to create a variable package.
  6. Click [OK].
  7. Double-click or (move to the right) to add the desired systems and extensions to the package.
  8. Then click [Apply].
  9. The defined package is saved.
  10. The Primary License Manager - Configurator dialog remains open and you can make further settings. Ready!


After you have made your settings, please press the Update Services button. This will update your settings for all users when selecting a license. Make sure that the systems and extensions available in the package always result in a combination that can be used in terms of licensing.

Edit Packages

  1. In the Defined Packages field, select a system or an extension of a desired package. A multiple selection of systems and / or extensions is also possible.
  2. Select the context menu item Edit number of licenses. The Edit Number of Licenses dialog opens.
  3. In the Quantity field, enter the number of licenses that you want to make available to the selected package. The maximum possible number results from the number of licenses possible for this system / extension. With "0" a selected system and / or a selected extension is removed again.
  4. Then click [Apply]. Your changes will be saved. The Primary License Manager - Configurator dialog remains open and you can make further settings.


After you have made your settings, please press the Update Services button. This will update your settings for all users when selecting a license. Make sure that the systems and extensions available in the package always result in a combination that can be used in terms of licensing.

Activate network license online

Set up communication