First Start (Platform Configuration) - Additional Information
Which browsers and Internet options are important?
Make sure that your browser has the latest update status from the manufacturer. We recommend Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Mozilla as the default browser. At least TLS 1.2 is required for smooth Internet communication. In the Windows taskbar, type > Internet Option. In the "Advanced" tab, check whether TLS 1.2 or higher is selected.
How do you make sure that your proxy/firewall allows a smooth activation?
The activation communicates via the ports: TCP ports 80 (for http) and 443 (https).
Further information can be found here: FAQs EPLAN Cloud under the question "I have difficulty accessing the EPLAN Cloud website and applications........"
What happens during license activation?
The PC on which the license was activated contains data on the use of the licensed EPLAN software after activation. At the same time, the entitlement ID of the license stores information about which PC it was connected to through activation. On a PC, therefore, only one license can be activated at a time!
The license, represented by the entitlement ID and the PC, form a unit after activation, which can only be solved by returning the license. Further information can be found here: Licensing (
What needs to be considered when replacing hardware?
Before a hardware replacement can be carried out, the license associated with the PC should be temporarily "returned". This process is called "revoken". Examples that make this step necessary:
- Format Hard Drive
- Changing Hardware Components
- Reinstall or upgrade the operating system
- Change computer name
- Move or make hardware changes to the virtual machine
- Activate another EPLAN license
Further information can be found here: Licensing (
What are packages in the License Manager for?
The "packaging" of licenses allows you to bundle your various licenses for systems (Electric P8, Fluid, Pro Panel, Preplanning, etc.) and extensions (Fluid Addon, Pro Panel Addon, PLC, Translation, Rights Management, etc.) into meaningful, clear units.
Without packaging, the following license usage applies. The first person to start EPLAN receives the license with the most available systems and extensions. Even if this person does not need certain systems or extensions. This can lead to people in your team not being able to use EPLAN with the required range of functions.
On the Packages tab, you specify packages for network licensing.
Further information can be found here: ELM_Installation_7.1.8_en-EN (
How do you control whether cross-domain usage is enabled?
Open your License Manager and the Properties tab. Check whether cross-domain use is activated if your EPLAN clients are not in the same Windows network domain.
How do you ensure that the firewall does not block communication between the Licence Manager and the client?
Make sure that the TCP 135 port is enabled in the firewall of your clients. This is required so that the EPLAN Licence Client can establish an initial contact with the ELM.
The subsequent communication between ELM and Licence Client is dynamically negotiated. This means that the ports change constantly. If your firewall blocks port ranges, make sure that you define a port range for communication between EPLAN Licence Client and ELM and store it in the firewall.
In the Windows taskbar, type "dcomcnfg" and press "Enter". Under Component Services, go to My Computer. Select the right mouse button, and then select Properties. Select the Default Protocols tab and press the Properties button. Add a new port range with a width of at least 100. E.B 4000-4100. Note that other Windows systems also use DCOM for communication.
What is the DCOM interface?
To ensure that the system on which the EPLAN License Manager was installed can also be addressed from the clients, an additional configuration of the so-called "DCOM interface" is necessary depending on the operating system. The computer on which the EPLAN License Manager is installed and the clients accessing it should be members of a Windows domain.
If this is not the case, an identical account with the same password must be created on the server for each user account reported to a client.
How do you know what your license manager name is?
As a rule, this is their server name on which the license manager was installed. If you cannot establish a connection, gain access to the server on which you have installed the Licensemanager and start by double-clicking on the desktop icon. A new window will open, in the header you will find the license manager name.
What is the EPLAN Identity Client?
By logging in to the EPLAN Identity Client, you can access the EPLAN Platform 2022. In addition, you have direct access to EPLAN Cloud Solutions (Data Portal, schematic templates (eBUILD free), free eLearnings). Every user needs his personal EPLAN ID in a company organization.
You can also temporarily skip this step if you want to work offline, for example.B. None of the EPLAN Cloud solutions are available to you during this time.

How do you create an EPLAN ID at EPLAN?
You can obtain an EPLAN ID by creating an EPLAN ID when you first log on to EPLAN Cloud via your web browser. You can also create an EPLAN ID in the EPLAN Identity Client via "No EPLAN ID or no company organization? Click here".
- In the browser, open
- Click Sign In.
- Under the login button, click Create EPLAN ID Now.
- Enter your e-mail address, confirm the terms of use and click Create EPLAN ID.
- You will receive an invitation to EPLAN Cloud and the organization "EPLAN Community" by e-mail.
- In your e-mail program, open the e-mail "Welcome to EPLAN Cloud" and click Confirm.
- The Create EPLAN ID and Join Organization dialog opens in your browser.
- Set your password and click Create EPLAN ID.
- The Profile dialog opens.
- Enter your details and click Next.
- You now have an EPLAN ID.
- The EPLAN Cloud dashboard will open and you will see all available EPLAN Cloud apps.
How do I sign in with your Microsoft account?
You can sign in with your Azure Microsoft account if you have previously successfully signed in using your EPLAN ID. Setup to sign in with your Microsoft account takes place in your EPLAN ID.
Further information can be found here: Sign in to the EPLAN Cloud
What is the EPLAN Community?
As soon as you log in to EPLAN Cloud for the first time in the browser by creating an EPLAN ID, you become a member of the organization "EPLAN Community".
In the "EPLAN Community" you can get a first impression and have access to demo apps, extras and free apps. In addition, you can immerse yourself in EPLAN in the "eLEARNING Free" app with the help of interactive videos.
Why do you have to synchronize master data?
EPLAN uses this command to compare your system master data with your original master data. To ensure that you also have access to the latest master data such as symbols, function definition, templates, etc. when installing the latest EPLAN version, we recommend this process. This is the only way we can ensure that you not only use the latest software functions but also the new master data that is partly necessary for this when creating a project with the latest EPLAN version.
Why should you enter your user data?
With the entry of this data, you have the advantage that you can refer to this data during project creation and save yourself double input. If another person starts EPLAN and works on the same project, this would also be automatically registered in the project properties. EPLAN audit management is also linked to this.
The Identifier field can be displayed, for example.B. in the table of contents, standard sheet or for revisions. Z.B for the note "last edited by". The identifier saves space compared to the name. For example, in the title cover page, you can display your full name and associated identifier together to give the reader a reference.
Furthermore, you have the advantage that EPLAN accelerates the creation of support requests with the data. All data relevant for the support, especially important for the process the customer number, are automatically transmitted and you save yourself the time-consuming selection and constant typing.

What do you need databases in EPLAN for?
The EPLAN Platform uses parts data, texts and your translations as well as information on EPLAN projects (order data, customer data, technical data) databases for storing manufacturers. Short parts database, dictionary and project management database.
The parts database can be operated in the form of an EPLAN database (own database technology) or SQL database technology.
The dictionary and the project management database can be operated in the form of Access (64-bit) or SQL database technology.
Further information can be found here: Installation and Administration (

What naming convention for databases is recommended?
EPLAN recommends that you adhere to a name convetion in order to strive for standardization.
SQL database without its own
File-based | SQL database with its own instance | instance | |
Syntax | [<Company ID>]_<Database Name>.* | <Servername>/EPLAN.<Company ID>. <database name> | <servername>. EPLAN_<company ID> _<database name> |
Parts database | [XYZ]_Parts.* | SQL\EPLAN. XYZ_Parts | SQL. EPLAN_XYZ_Parts |
Project Management database | [XYZ]_Projects.* | SQL\EPLAN. XYZ_Projects | SQL. EPLAN_XYZ_Projects |
Translation database (dictionary) | [XYZ]_Translate.* | SQL\EPLAN. XYZ_Translate | SQL. EPLAN_XYZ_Translate |
Which naming convention is recommended for e.B a schema?
EPLAN recommends that you adhere to a name convection in order to strive for standardization.
[<Company ID>] <elymark><schema name>
[XYZ] Find Macro Name
[XYZ] Completion
For better readability, use spaces and no underscores. Do not write names in verses.

Which naming convention is recommended for EPLAN projects?
EPLAN recommends that you adhere to a name convection in order to strive for standardization.
[<company ID>]_<description>_<EPLAN version number>.elk
[<Company ID>]_<Description>_<EPLAN version number>_<version number>.elk
Why export and import software settings?
In the chapter "... perform all necessary software settings" you have made important settings. If you want to work efficiently in a team and do not generate duplicate data storage, your other clients also need these settings. So that you do not have to make these settings and possibly other user settings manually again, we offer you the functions export and import.
You can also automate the import of your settings for all users. Then a system takes over the work for you and your users. Advantage, all users have the same settings after the restart without their own ToDo. In addition, scripts, API programs and, if necessary, master data (e.B. released new macros) can be distributed to all clients. If you are interested, please contact our EPLAN Consulting Team.